Terms and Conditions


Plugin licensing

Page manager plugin are licensed under the GNU general public license.


You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership rights to any of our plugins. They are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. We shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or losses that occur out of the use or inability to use our plugin(s) .

Software updates

Page manager will, from time to time, release updates to the software that improve functionality and/or address bugs and/or limitations. All updates will be owned by Page manager and made available under the GPL license.

Updates are included for free for a period of one year from the purchase date. If you have a valid and active license key subscription, and your plugin(s) supports it, updates will be delivered automatically from the WordPress dashboard. After the one (1) year period, you either need to renew your license (automatically via a subscription, or manually) or purchase a new license in order to continue receiving plugin updates. Lifetime license holders will be eligible for software updates for the lifetime of the product and/or the company behind it (currently RebelCode Ltd).

Support services

Support for purchased plugins is provided for free for up to one year after the purchase date. Page manager will provide a reasonable level of technical and end-user support regarding the software via email and other channels as announced from time to time on pagemanager.eu. Availability and methods of contacting us will be published on the Page manager website and/or other channels.

If you wish to get support after one year, you must renew your license key or purchase a new license for the plugin(s)  you wish to get support for. For purchases that include an automatically renewing subscription, support will be provided for as long as the subscription remains active. Lifetime license holders will be eligible for support services for the lifetime of the product and/or the company behind it (currently Your World s.ro.).

License holders cannot distribute, freely give away, or resell their license key. The license key is only transferable by contacting us and requesting an official transfer of the license to a new owner. The license is intended to be used on the license holder’s website(s). Client site usage is permitted in situations where the license holder maintains an ongoing relationship with the client as a consultant.

The scope of our support is to assist you with anything to do with our plugins directly. Below is a list of what this support excludes:

  • Customisation/modification of the existing plugins’ codebase beyond what is provided in our Documentation.
  • Styling customisations of our shortcode/block display beyond what is provided in our Documentation.
  • Issues with the functionality of 3rd party applications integrated with our plugins.
  • Issues with server and website setups that affect the functionality of our plugins, such as WordPress cron.
  • We may, at our own discretion, provide guidance on resources to refer to for the above situations.

Transactional email

We may on occasion send you email notifications related to your plugin license. These transactional emails may include notification of licensing changes, changes to our terms and conditions, license expiration notices and other transactional emails related to your purchase of Your World s.ro. plugins.

Plugin delivery

After payment has been successfully processed, you will be directed to a copy of your receipt that contains download links. This receipt will also be emailed to you. This may take up to 1 hour to arrive but usually happens instantly when placing the order. If you do not receive an email after this time period, please contact us here.

Pricing and billing

We reserve the right to change pricing at any time and for any reason without prior notice or consent. We reserve the right to modify, change, cancel or upgrade a plugin subscription and/or license key without prior notice or consent. We reserve the right to not honour typographical errors which may cause incorrect pricing to be shown on the website. All price options are billed yearly on a subscription basis. You may cancel your subscription at any time through your account.

Confidentiality and privacy

Your World s.ro.will absolutely never sell or share your personal information with third parties. All data we collect will be used for internal purposes only.

Your World s.ro. shall keep strictly confidential all non-public information that it may collect from you in connection with your use of the software.

You shall not provide Your World s.ro. with any personal data (EU/GDPR) or personally identifiable information (USA) unless specifically authorised in writing beforehand. If you do, you shall fully indemnify Your World s.ro. for all costs and damages associated with its processing and removal, including administrative fines and costs of secure deletion.

Limitation of liability

Except in case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence, Your World s.ro. accepts no liability for any damages caused in connection with the services under this agreement. This includes but is not limited to damages in the form of data loss, failure to operate, lost revenue or missed profits.

Account suspension

Your World s.ro. reserves the right, at any time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any updates and support license with or without notice. The reasons for this may include but are not limited to:

  • The website(s) in question contain(s) explicit or offensive content, as determined by Your World s.ro..
  • You or someone speaking on your behalf does not behave in a civil manner towards Your World s.ro. personnel.
  • You or someone speaking on your behalf make demands that are unreasonable or clearly outside the scope of the contract.


Your World s.ro. is not to be held responsible for how our software is used on any website, or for any content that is being deemed to be imported from any source in an illegal manner, or in a manner that goes against the feed source’s guidelines or terms of use. As the license holder, you are fully responsible for the use of our plugins on your, or your client’s website(s), and you take full ownership of any and all misconduct through the use of our plugins.


We firmly believe in and stand behind our plugins 100%, but we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. If you have problems getting any of our plugins to work, we will be happy to provide a full refund within 14 days of the original purchase.


  • We sometimes ask for the chance to understand, and try to fix, your issue before issuing any refund, with your permission.
  • We do not guarantee compatibility with all 3rd party plugins and themes, with all web browsers, with all hosting providers or with all server setups, as explained further in our Warranty (below).
  • Refunds may only be issued within 14 days of the purchase date. After 14 days, no refunds will be processed.
  • In the case of automatic subscription renewals, the same 14-day refund policy above applies.


Our plugins are guaranteed to function on a clean installation of WordPress. We do not guarantee compatibility with all 3rd party plugins and themes, with all web browsers, with all hosting providers and/or with all server setups. We are not responsible for any plugin and theme compatibility conflicts that may occur.

It is our policy to support our plugins as best we can and we will provide support for 3rd party plugin and theme conflicts at our discretion, or as time allows. We are not responsible for any data loss that may occur as a result of installing these plugin(s) .

Acceptance of terms

By purchasing our plugin(s) you indicate that you have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions detailed on this page.

This agreement is entered into on the day your initial fee payment is received by Your World s.ro. and remains in force for an initial twelve (12) month period. Upon receipt of further payments, the agreement is renewed for successive yearly periods.

Page manager is developed, supported and sold by Your World s.ro..

  • Your World s.ro.,
  • Korunní 2569/108, Vinohrady, 
  • 101 00 Praha,
  • Czech Republic

We reserve the right to change or modify the current Terms and Conditions with no prior notice.